Hi guys,
So, another month, another blog and more exiting news to share.
In no particular order, I am proud to announce that we have added two more members to our growing team. Authors extraordinaire Julie Timlin (one of BNBS's own!) and Lisa Eddom will now be working alongside Noelle in the roles of manuscript advisors. Whereas Noelle focuses on the crime genre, Julie will be looking at fantasy and Lisa at those submissions in the supernatural genre. Kelly and I are honoured that they were amongst the first to accept our open proposal to join us and are privileged to have their input. Welcome to the team, guys!!!
We'll have a few final announcements regarding other additions soon.
Another exiting piece of news that I was able to confirm today is that BNBS will proudly be publishing Charlie Kray's 20th anniversary book being penned by multi talented author, promotor and actor Steve Wraith. Steve was a personal friend of The Krays for many years and has unique insight and knowledge regarding many elements of their life and the myths surrounding the brothers and indeed the family. Details regarding the book's content and title will be shared at a later date, but Kelly and I are humbled to be working with Steve on this exclusive title and guaranteed bestseller.
We are receiving a steady stream of manuscript submissions and already have 8 titles lined up for release throughout the year with some more fantastic titles to announce soon. Everything from fantasy, to non-fiction to crime thrillers will be proudly bearing the BNBS logo on their cover and/or spine this year and we can't wait to share with you details of the first few titles in the coming months.
Katie Budge, our first crowdfunder of this year, has a month to go and is over 60% towards achieving her goal and having her publishing dream become a reality. Crowdfunding is hard, something those who have been there will understand, asking for money to help yourself out even harder. But just a glance at Katie's Kickstarter page demonstrates not only her passion for her art but also what a wonderful and educational childrens book she has created. Just over 400 people could support Katie with one pound in order for her dream to become a reality... just £1.00. Please take a look and help her if you can.
We are in discussions with a small number of charities regarding support and affiliation with BNBS. We will continue to support Murielle's favourite charity in the form of the Hope Foundation, but are also looking towards two other important causes which are particularly close to mine and Kelly's heart. News on this soon...
Karen Chilvers, our marketing director and boss-by-proxy is deserving of a special mention for the wonderful job she has already done regarding book promotions and inspired videos. It is fair to say Karen's offer to join us was an amazing gift and one we are so glad to have accepted I also had the pleasure last week of speaking to her partner in crime, Gill Eastgate (not Eastwood as I keep telling Kelly!) and co-author of Tzu Kingdom. We had a good chat and I was able to add another extremely talented person to my list of people to mine for information if necessary!
Additionally, I have to once again thank our wonderful web designer Simone Shenton. She is not only my friend of many years, but a tech wizard. None of this (literally this page that you are reading!!) would have been possible without her. I pester her all the time, but haven't done it for a while so I'm going to get right on that!
Finally, we wish to say a thank you to you all. Every single message we have received regarding our involvement with BNBS has been full of support, kindness and generosity. It is truly humbling and we wish you to know we will do all we can to ensure that BNBS/Live It Publishing and all its authors get the recognition they deserve. We are building good relationships with Waterstones and WH Smith which can only benefit our future authors and prospective titles as well as our current ones. We intent to build upon this. It will take time, but I fully believe we can make BNBS a publishing house to be reckoned with. And by WE I mean all of us. Kelly and I can only do this with you because you are BNBS. We might be steering the ship , but without a crew it's nothing but a floating piece of wood.
More news soon, but for now I shall leave you with a link to three excellent, free videos from best selling author Mark Dawson regarding building your mailing list and how to promote your books more effectively. Invaluable details for all authors, self published or otherwise.
Speak soon,
David, Kelly and the team